Pediatric Anesthesia Associates, P.C.



Four factors determine which children will be admitted due to gestational age and concerns about apnea. This list is by no means all inclusive, and an anesthesiologist may require admission to be arranged for other concerns. Admission must include standard respiratory monitoring of at least 18 hours for:

1. Premature infants (born before 37 weeks Gestational Age) Admit for monitoring for apnea if they are less than 56 weeks Post Conceptual Age,

2. Any infant (under age 3 years) who is currently on a home monitor for apnea, any infant who has been monitored for apnea in the past 6 months, and any infant who has had witnessed apneic episodes in the past 6 months,

3. Any child under 2 years diagnosed with sleep apnea,

4. Possibly any person using a positive pressure device, and certainly anyone with Body Mass Index over 30 using one.